The Enduring Mountains
Chen-Hsiang Chao
The project speculates that in the near future, a cross nation organisation “AZAD” (Atacameños Zone to Defend) will be set up in the Puna de Atacama. The AZAD has its origins in resisting the extraction corporations in defence of the environment, Atacameños’ right to decide the future of their territories, and the rejection of the capitalist economy. The project proposes a sensing network that surrounds key mountains (source of water) and their watersheds throughout the Puna de Atacama area constructed by Atacameños.

Mountain Clusters Model

Drifters are floating marks that will be placed in the Quebrada, released from mountain peaks to the alluvial fan, they collect data both from the water body and also the deeper muddy water in the Stream.
Drifters are floating marks that will be placed in the Quebrada, released from mountain peaks to the alluvial fan, they collect data both from the water body and also the deeper muddy water in the Stream.

Concept Model

Table of Interventions

Sensing Ecologies